Archived content from old Engage Media Lab website. Saved here for use later.

Author: Zahra

  • Barakana The Movie

    Barakana The Movie

    In 2012, 15 students from GPIA/Media Studies worked on human rights and media projects during the International Field Program (IFP).  One of the projects was a collaborative short film with the local NGO, Projeto Morrinho, in the community of Pereira da Silva.  TV Morrinho, one of their many participatory media projects, creates short films about… Read more

  • Antitled


    November 2, 2014 Destruction is the new creation. This video was created by Imani Joshua, Benjamin Kasavan and Tatyana Palacios as part of an Engage Media Lab program with high school students in 2013. These students had support from mentors Emily Thomas and Aliya Zlotkin Read more

  • Don’t


    Don’t, a youth media production by Leen Shumman. This video was made in the spring of 2014, when 25 high school students from the Arab-American Family Support Center (AAFSC) took part in an innovative participatory media project entitled, “I Need To Be Heard!” With the guidance of graduate students from The New School and the… Read more

  • Occupy Education

    Occupy Education

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  • Something Local

    Something Local

    June 2, 2013 Something Local is a short documentary about community gardens, the people involved, and how you, the viewer, can be a part of this too. This video was developed in the spring of 2013 as part of an Engage Media Lab program for high school students. Read more

  • One, Two, Tree

    One, Two, Tree

    This is a stop motion animation by Video Lab 2012 participants on the importance and future of trees. Read more

  • Go Green

    Go Green

    September 2, 2012 A healthier planet through healthier products. This video was created as part of an Engage Media Lab program for high school students in the spring of 2013. By Lauren Dolowich, Ho Long Charles, and Fanny Huang with the support of mentors Ella Farnsworth, Saskia Layden and Angela Sharp. Read more