Archived content from old Engage Media Lab website. Saved here for use later.

Author: Zahra

  • Disappearing Elephants

    Youth conservationist Celia Ho talks about her campaign to raise awareness in Hong Kong and China about the global ivory trade and the consequences for elephant populations. The Disappearing Elephants Project Approximately 100 elephants are killed every day for their ivory Today there are between 470,000 and 690,000 African elephants left. Current poaching kills 25,000-35,000… Read more

  • Youth Media Project with Luta Pela Paz in Rio

    In collaboration with Luta pela Paz, New School graduate students worked with youth ages 11-14 to create a video letter about their lives and their community. New School students led workshops twice a week in Complexo da Maré, a large favela community in the northern zone of Rio de Janeiro. Over the course of two months, youth… Read more

  • The Rules

    November 20, 2015 Fifteen New School students traveled to Rio de Janiero this past summer as part of the International Field Program to work on field based media projects based on human rights. One of these projects, The Rules, involved students taking to the streets of Rio and asking one simple question to the locals. If you… Read more

  • Human Rights Media International Field Program

    November 20, 2015 [PHOTO GALLERY] In June and July of 2015, a team of 20 students from The New School and PUC (Pontificia Universidade Catolica) participated in a human rights media field program in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil under the direction of professor Peter Lucas. This experience was part of the IFP (International Field Program) run… Read more

  • Ilha Grande Web Documentary

    In June and July 2015 six students from the New School supported the creation of the web documentary “Ilha Grande: Each beach an island. Each island a story”. The web doc tells the stories of an incredible island in the state of Rio de Janeiro, with the goal of encouraging community-based tourism that shows consideration for… Read more

  • EML Student Mixer 2/20/15

    EML Student Mixer 2/20/15

    February 24, 2015 Students across divisions of The New School joined us in our mixer event on Friday February 20th. We made public our programs and future workshops, so that anyone interested could join. For more information on how to form part of the Engage Media Lab, shoot us an email at or attend our weekly meetings on Thursday 11:30 am… Read more

  • Youth Urbanism Summit. Our Ideal World Video.

    Youth Urbanism Summit. Our Ideal World Video.

    January 29, 2015 Last October, we spent a day with different youth groups and organizations at the Youth Urbanism Summit, an event organized by the University of Orange. Together, we try to imagine our ideal world. Here is the result of that incredible discussion. Read more

  • Disappearing Elephants [OLDER]

    Disappearing Elephants [OLDER]

    November 2, 2014 This past summer, Peter Lucas led 13 graduate students from Milano/GPIA/Media Studies in Hong Kong for the International Field Program (IFP).  The students worked on several human rights and media projects that included the educational portal Disappearing Elephants on the illegal trafficking of ivory from Africa to China created in collaboration with… Read more

  • A Penny for a Thought

    A Penny for a Thought

    November 2, 2014 This video is an action animation piece all about change. It was created as part of an Engage Media Lab program with high school students in 2013. By Nicco Kirkland, Corina Palast and Julien Masseaux with support of mentors: Alice Obar and Malikah Shabazz. Read more

  • A Step Forward

    A Step Forward

    November 2, 2014 Although change can take you on different paths, life, like shoes, can take you places. This video was made as part of an Engage Media Lab program with high school students in 2013. By Casey Ching and Riley Wong with support of mentors Bria Cole, Tracie Ninh, and Alex Schein. Read more