Archived content from old Engage Media Lab website. Saved here for use later.

Human Rights Media International Field Program

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November 20, 2015


In June and July of 2015, a team of 20 students from The New School and PUC (Pontificia Universidade Catolica) participated in a human rights media field program in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil under the direction of professor Peter Lucas. This experience was part of the IFP (International Field Program) run by the Graduate Program of International Affairs (GPIA) at the New School in New York. Throughout the two months, small production teams worked on several media projects at the same time. The goals of the program are to give students production experiences that are challenging and real, based in critical human rights issues, and transformative – both for the students themselves, and for our partner NGOs. Projects this past summer included The Rules, Housing Problems, Ilha Grande Web Documentary, Midia Pela Paz and TV Morrinho. All of these projects are still in post production.